Technical Information
- Definition of plant carnivory
Although many books have been written on CPs, until 1984 no-one had defined what constitutes carnivory in plants. The following definition is adapted from an article by T. J. Givnish and co-workers from Harvard University. This definition should be used in the future to avoid confusion.
1. It must have adaptations whose primary function is the active attraction, capture and/or digestion of prey.
2. It must be able to absorb nutrients from dead animals juxtaposed to its surfaces, and gain some advantage from such nutrition in terms of growth, increased chance of survival, pollen production, or seed production. The first criterion is required to differentiate carnivorous plants from other plants that can passively profit from nutrients from dead animals decomposing in the soil or on their leaf surface. The second criterion is to exclude those plants that have defensive mechanisms capable of capturing and/or killing animals, but unlike carnivorous plants are unable to gain substantial nutrition from their prey. There are many plants that fulfil only one of these criteria, but which are not CPs. For example, flowers are effective in attracting insect pollinators, and some plants such as orchids temporarily trap insect pollinators to ensure pollen transfer. Other plants, such as members of the South African genus Roridula, trap and kill insects by their sticky resins, but apparently do not digest the prey. These plants do not fulfil all the criteria necessary to qualify as a CP.
Although many books have been written on CPs, until 1984 no-one had defined what constitutes carnivory in plants. The following definition is adapted from an article by T. J. Givnish and co-workers from Harvard University. This definition should be used in the future to avoid confusion.
- How can plants move?
Venus Fly Trap uses water pressure to move trapsSundew uses cell growth to wrap leaf around prey
All plants have the power of limited movement, which may be as simple as the plant moving because it enlarges as it grows. But with CPs, motion can be extremely fast and striking. Since plants do not have muscle tissue, how do they do it? There are two main movement mechanisms that CPs use. The first kind of motion is what Venus Fly Traps (Dionea Muscipula) use to close their traps. It involves changes in water pressure. When the trap is activated (by touching trigger hairs on the leaves), the cells on the inside walls of the trap transfer water to the outside walls - essentially they become limp. This snaps the leaf closed. The second kind of motion is powered by cell growth. This action is triggered by detecting a touch sensation. On any plant having tendrils, the cell growth in the tendril takes place on the side opposite the 'touch' and so the tendril will, by default, curl around the touched object (epinasty), and hopefully provide physical support for that plant. The tentacles of sundews (Drosera) bend towards prey because the cells on one side of the tentacles grow. On the sundew many of the tentacles that move are not actually touched by the prey - it becomes a generalised action for the whole of that portion of the leaf. This is similar to the way bimetallic strips work in thermostats. Also in many of the sundews the rear surface of the leaf will grow, so that the prey is eventually 'wrapped' by the leaf. Incidentally, not all CPs have rapidly moving parts. Many, like the various pitcher plants for example, capture prey by forming very clever containers that creatures are lured into but cannot escape from.
- Can I grow CPs in my garden?
Sarracenia grown outdoors.
- What is hybrid vigour?
Hybrid vigour (or 'heterosis') is the phenomenon where a hybrid or cross shows an increase in such characteristics as size, growth rate, fertility, and hardiness over its parents, which are generally different from one another.
Nepenthes hybrid (alata X spatulata) flowering outdoors in a cool temperate climate
Hybrid vigour (or 'heterosis') is the phenomenon where a hybrid or cross shows an increase in such characteristics as size, growth rate, fertility, and hardiness over its parents, which are generally different from one another.
- What is tissue culture?
Some growers prefer to avoid matters of compost entirely and propagate their plants on petri dishes in laboratory conditions. This is called tissue culture. Despite its peculiar nature, tissue culture is the best way to propagate some species rapidly. There are one or more members of VCPS (and usually some people on the net) who are involved with tissue culture, and you can meet them within the society. Many Pinguicula species and hybrids are distributed in tissue culture flasks, nowadays.
As tissue culture plants have been protected for some months in their own sterile environment, when transferred from tubes, flasks, or other containers, they are susceptible to drying out, wilting, and attack from fungi.
Drosera Prostratascaposa
Some growers prefer to avoid matters of compost entirely and propagate their plants on petri dishes in laboratory conditions. This is called tissue culture. Despite its peculiar nature, tissue culture is the best way to propagate some species rapidly. There are one or more members of VCPS (and usually some people on the net) who are involved with tissue culture, and you can meet them within the society. Many Pinguicula species and hybrids are distributed in tissue culture flasks, nowadays.
As tissue culture plants have been protected for some months in their own sterile environment, when transferred from tubes, flasks, or other containers, they are susceptible to drying out, wilting, and attack from fungi.
- What is Silicosis or Sporotrichosis?
Darlingtonia californica
- Why are most CPs wetland plants?
Heliamphora heterodoxa
- Why are these wetlands nutrient poor?
Drosera ramellosa
- Pond, bog, swamp, marsh, fen - what are the differences?
People commonly describe wetlands with words like pond, bog, marsh, fen, and swamp, thinking these are mostly interchangeable. Actually, these terms are distinct and well defined. Ponds and lakes are all open bodies of water.
For many people, a boggy place means an infertile wasteland, notable mainly for getting your car stuck and breading diseases like Malaria and Yellow Fever, but in fact a true bog is a marvellous living and growing 'organism' that is home for many species of CPs.
A bog originates from a shallow fresh water source, such as a pond or small lake. In the northern parts of Europe and North America, glacial action has gouged out hollows that have filled with water from melting ice. Such glacial lakes have also been proven to be an ideal place for a bog to grow.
A lake or pond shows signs of becoming a bog when Sphagnum moss starts to grow on the water's edge. This Sphagnum mat then proceeds to spread over the surface, while pieces may break off and become 'rafts' of floating moss. As the moss grows, it absorbs minerals from the water and replaces them with Hydronium ions, thus making the surrounding water very acidic (pH less than 7 (pH 7.0 is neutral - neither acidic nor alkaline)). Because of the thick mat of Sphagnum the water of such lakes soon becomes starved of oxygen. These conditions greatly retard the action of decay on organisms in the bog, so the sediments of dead plants that start to accumulate on the lake bed only partly decompose. Such sediment, comprising mainly dead moss that has fallen from the underside of the Sphagnum mat, mounts up and is eventually compressed to form a substance that we call 'moss peat'.
CP habitat (Swamp)Drosera stolonifera
People commonly describe wetlands with words like pond, bog, marsh, fen, and swamp, thinking these are mostly interchangeable. Actually, these terms are distinct and well defined. Ponds and lakes are all open bodies of water.
For many people, a boggy place means an infertile wasteland, notable mainly for getting your car stuck and breading diseases like Malaria and Yellow Fever, but in fact a true bog is a marvellous living and growing 'organism' that is home for many species of CPs.
A bog originates from a shallow fresh water source, such as a pond or small lake. In the northern parts of Europe and North America, glacial action has gouged out hollows that have filled with water from melting ice. Such glacial lakes have also been proven to be an ideal place for a bog to grow.
A lake or pond shows signs of becoming a bog when Sphagnum moss starts to grow on the water's edge. This Sphagnum mat then proceeds to spread over the surface, while pieces may break off and become 'rafts' of floating moss. As the moss grows, it absorbs minerals from the water and replaces them with Hydronium ions, thus making the surrounding water very acidic (pH less than 7 (pH 7.0 is neutral - neither acidic nor alkaline)). Because of the thick mat of Sphagnum the water of such lakes soon becomes starved of oxygen. These conditions greatly retard the action of decay on organisms in the bog, so the sediments of dead plants that start to accumulate on the lake bed only partly decompose. Such sediment, comprising mainly dead moss that has fallen from the underside of the Sphagnum mat, mounts up and is eventually compressed to form a substance that we call 'moss peat'.
- Build your own outdoor bog
Utricularia subulata
- Do plants have a nervous system?
Venus Fly Trap leaf
The calcium trigger
The main reason for this flexibility is the chemical versatility of the synapses through which the neurons communicate. When an action potential reaches the end of most nerve fibres, it cannot jump the synapse but instead releases neurotransmitters that diffuse across the synapse and trigger an electrical response in the neuron opposite. Using a variety of different types of neurotransmitters and neurons, a nervous system can process its signals like a hugely complex telephone exchange, constantly converting electrical signals into chemical ones and vice versa, and routing messages to different parts of the body. A plant cell communicating through plasmodesmata, by contrast, is much more limited in range and vocabulary: it can only pass electrical signals down one route and turn on one type of movement. But there are important similarities. As with neurons, these signals consist of currents of ions moving to and fro across cell membranes. Experiments in the 1960s showed that action potentials in the Venus Fly Trap, Mimosa, and similar touch-sensitive plants are all produced by currents of the same ions. In each species, a rapid influx of calcium ions into cells seems to trigger an action potential, and an efflux of potassium and possibly chloride ions appear to sustain it as it travels from pore to pore. The action potentials of neurons are produced in a similar way, but are usually triggered by sodium, not calcium. Considering its lack of specialised neurons and synapses, the Venus Fly Trap's response to touch is surprisingly sophisticated. During the late 1960s, Stuart Jacobson, an insect physiologist at Carlton University, Ottawa, discovered what appeared to be the equivalent of a special touch sensor in the flytrap. Each time he bent a trigger hair it translated the touch sensation into a localised electrical "code", in the form of a reduction in the voltage across the membranes of cells at the base of the hair. The harder the blow, the greater this so-called depolarisation, until eventually it reached a critical threshold and triggered the action potential that signalled the trap to close. Similar mechanisms seem to operate in Mimosa and the Venus Fly Trap's underwater cousin Aldrovanda. More intriguingly, many animal cells also possess sensors that convert mechanical stimuli such as touch into electrical signals, a prime example being the "hair" cells of the inner ear's cochlea which produce ionic currents when their hairs vibrate in response to sound. Coelenterates such as sea anemones and jellyfish have what is perhaps the closest thing in the animal kingdom to the neural system of the Venus Fly Trap - a nerve net where touch sensors, nerves, and muscles are all connected without synapses. The Venus Fly Trap and its relatives are no botanical oddballs. Touch-sensitive movements occur in more than a thousand species, spread across 17 families of flowering plants, and these, too, probably depend on electrical impulses. Research completed over the past two decades reveals that action potentials trigger the movements of Drosera (sundew) carnivorous traps, Mimosa, Biophytum, and Neptunia leaves. All of which leads to the question: if excitable plants are so widespread, are "ordinary" plants touch-sensitive too? Because most plants don't move very much, it is easy to assume they are not touch-sensitive. This assumption is wrong, as one American plant physiologist discovered. Mordechai Jaffe from Athens University, Ohio, started off in the late 1960s by looking at a familiar garden phenomenon - how pea tendrils coil around a support. Gently stroking a tendril a few times was enough to trigger the tendril's coiling, redirecting its growth from a fairly straight habit into rapid bending. Incomplete though the picture is, one thing is certain: touch-sensitivity in the plant kingdom is commonplace.
- What is CITES?
Sarracenia leucophylla
CITES stands for the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species. This international agreement concerns itself with the shipping of endangered plants and animals. Many CPs are endangered, and so are under the jurisdiction of CITES. If you are trading plants internationally, you may need CITES permits. More information, including the document itself, is available on the Internet.
- Preparation of carnivorous plants for postage
Nepenthes Mirabilis